Wednesday, March 25, 2009

L Tom Perry, First Hotdog and Another Elder Named Ray


Not much has changed here at the MTC. I think I am digressing in my Spanish abilities though. Or at least it seems that I losing what I have already learned. Oh well, when I get out I will know enough to say hello at least. Alright I have some big moments at the MTC but I want to talk about home first.So I am glad to hear that grandma Arnold is doing well and I am also glad to hear that she remembers who I am. Last time I went over there she didn’t remember me at all. Don’t tell her that though she’ll probably send me some hate mail. Nah, the I am doing fine here and I am glad to hear she is still kicking, OK don’t tell her that last part either Um… tell her that I love her.

I hope Jimmy and Lani found all their candy on St. Patties Day

OK so some big moments of the MTC#1. So every Tuesday Night we have devotionals. Usually members of the MTC presidency or clerk talk to us but… last week we had L Tom Perry and his wife give a talk. They talked about companionship Unity and it was Bueno.#2 And this is a big one, My companion Elder Taylor at his first hot dog and 3rd ham sandwich in his life on Monday.# 3 This morning while doing laundry and then again about twenty minutes ago while i was at the temple doing a session I meet another Elder Loveless, but wait it gets weirder. His name is Joshua Ray Loveless and my name is Ryan Ray Loveless. It turns out that he is grandpas brothers grandson from sandy. And he is named after Ray Loveless our great grandpa. Its cool trust me. Any way time is short so Talk to you later


Yes the food is the same and we are a very "musical" group and everyone in our group has a very light sense of humor so it is fun.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Saint Patty's Day Email From Ryan

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Alright so this letter might be short. I just spent most of my time setting up an address book for everyone, but everyone should now be getting the emails. Anyway everything is going great here and there isn't much to report. We had movie night on Sunday and watched Legacy. As for the work.... Spanish is coming slowly but surely. I can now pray, bear my testimony and I am starting to be able to put sentences together. I can definitely feel the Lord working with me because I know that there would be no way I could have done so much on my own. I hope everything is going wonderful. Again I thank everyone for all your love and support letters and packages, again especially mom. On that note Mom, just keep in mind I have no way to refrigerating anything. Even though i do love cream cheese. Any way I love you all.


P.S. If their is anyones email that I don't have that want me to send them email send it to me.

First Hair Cut and Second Letter from the MTC

"My First MTC Hair Cut - She was vicious."

"Mi Compeneros - Elder Henwood, Elder Taylor & Me."

(Click on each page of the letter to read it full size.)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ryan's First Letter Home

Ryan wrote home. I'm not really sure what his address is yet but I'll have it soon. I don't want to post his address on this blog. If you click on the pick you can see it big enough to see what it says.