Monday, May 4, 2009

Airplane ride, New Companions, Texas, and Baptisms

Texas is the best place on earth. It's fantastic here my and so are my new companions- and yes I am in another trio but it alright cause they're sweet guys- are Elder Loumeau and Elder Orme, the Zone leaders here in the Lake Austin Ward in Austin. Man I have no idea where to start. Alright from the top I was able to do a few approaches at the airport. They went well. With one I met the Mayor of South Ogden. It was sweet he was in his skater\tennis shoes and tee shirt. It turns out he was a member for 30 years going off to a committee in San Antonio. Then on the plane I talked to a pharmacist salesman also a member. Then we touched down in San Antonio and at the luggage claim. I talked to our pilot from our plane and introduced him to our church. We met our Mission President President Cutler, went to his house ate. After We got to the Alamo and got proselyte there, again sweet. We did get to tour the Alamo because it closed right when we got there, But still it was cool to be there. So that night me and my group of 18 other missionaries sleep at the Assistants to the Presidents house and two other apts. I then got told about and shipped up to Austin Texas, Gods country, to meet my new companions. The moment I got here they put my luggage into the apartment, ate and we went proselyting and teaching people for the rest of the night. To be continued...

... So over the last few days I have taught around 20 different lessons. We constantly just work all day long and never stop. If an appointment fall through we knock, from 6 o'clock in the morning to 10:30 at night So we are in the ghetto here in Austin and there are a ton of humble people that like to here about our message so get to teach a lot lessons. Some of the success stories are that we just attended a baptism for another companionship yesterday and we now have two with dates to take the plunge.
Anyway like always love you all But the time is up.


P.S. A little explanation about the title. The Texas pride here is everywhere. So we were driving down the freeway on our way to Austin and there was a big Street sign that said "Don't mess with Texas", it was hilarious